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Analyze and Review the Data of ‘Zepeto’ and ‘Clubhouse’ using MD-RED

Today, Zepeto and Clubhouse are the rising apps, the app user is growing fast, and it’s recognized as a new generation of social media. MD-RED is supporting the data analysis of Zepeto (Android) from v3.7.26, Zepeto (iOS) from v3.7.31, and Clubhouse (iOS) from v3.7.20.  Through this article, you may learn the basic features of Zepeto, Clubhouse, and how MD-RED can analyze and display the data.


  • What’s Zepeto

The Zepeto app is a metaverse (virtual platform) of a creative studio developed by Naver Z Corporation. The friends in Zepeto can share a common room and have fun activities by creating 3D avatars with displayed items available in this environment. The pictures and videos taken in the various maps in Zepeto world can be shared through the feed.

– Account information

Account information is displayed in ‘Account’ and you can find out the user’s name, Inner ID, and creation date and time.

– Chat data: Message

Click the speech bubble on the screen to display the chat list. Conversation supports 1:1, group chat and is analyzed as follows. Chat data such as chat room name, chat room ID, group chat status, chat room creation date, participant, chat room creator are analyzed.

In chat rooms, users can send text, images, and video files. MD-RED analyzes and displays those contents as message type, creation date, content, attachment, sender, message ID, chat room.


  • What’s Clubhouse

Clubhouse is social audio app which is a voice networking app developed by Alpha Exploration. It’s designed to have audio/voice communication in real-time in the chat room. MD-RED supports Clubhouse (iOS) analysis from v3.7.20, supported targets are the account, contact, and notification message. And a text-based chat room ‘Backchannel’ feature will be supported by MD-RED soon.

 – Account Information

Supports to analyze the Account name, ID, Inner ID, and Profile image.

– Contacts

The information of the chat room participants in the list is displayed in the contact analysis result.

– Alarm message

An alarm message is analyzed and displayed in the message analysis result. This allows us to infer the user’s activity.


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