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Deep dive into “Metadata”

Metadata : EXIF


Metadata describes the content of data. Metadata may be modified or deleted when sending files to an application or uploading files to a website. Metadata is used to sort and search data quickly, but it also serves as an essential artifact to trace users’ behaviors from a digital forensic perspective.


We will use MD-RED and analyze EXIF that contains information about the camera maker, camera model, software (Build version and iOS version), original and meta-changed time, and location a photo was taken. 


This whitepaper will help you to understand the concept of Metadata and the structure of how data is stored in EXIF.



  1. About Metadata
  2. The Structure of EXIF and Analysis
  3. EXIF Location in File
  4. MD-RED Analysis Results
  5. Conclusion
  6. Appendix

If you want to learn more about Metadata, leave your inquiry on the whitepaper.


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